Grab My Bag

Deactivation Policy- United States

Grab My Bag

Deactivation Policy- United States

Effective Date: January 2, 2021

At Grab My Bag, we are proud to provide people with flexible work opportunities that allow them to be their own boss, make meaningful money, and explore their community. As someone who delivers using the Grab My Bag platform (a “GRAB-ber”), you will regularly interact with merchants, businesses, and consumers to make great deliveries happen every day.

Because we value our business relationship with you, we want to be clear, upfront, and transparent about the kinds of activities that can lead to your account being deactivated from the Grab My Bag Platform and how the process of account deactivation works. Below, you can find our deactivation policy and related process. If you have additional questions about Grab My Bag, please go to



Customers who place an order through GRAB MY BAG are asked to rate each delivery on a scale of one to five stars. Ratings are critical to the success of the GRAB MY BAG platform because they allow Customers to help ensure that the deliveries completed through the platform are high in quality. GRAB-bers that are consistently late, deliver orders damaged, broken, with missing or items/pieces, or behave unprofessionally, typically receive lower ratings.

How it affects you:

To continue using the Grab My Bag platform, you must maintain a certain Customer Rating. The Rating threshold(s) can be found here. You are responsible for monitoring your rating. However, as a courtesy we may let you know if your rating starts falling near the threshold level. If your rating falls below the threshold, your account may be deactivated.



The Acceptance Rate is the percent of times a GRAB-ber accepts a delivery that is offered to him or her through the app. Before a GRAB-ber decides whether to accept a delivery opportunity, the GRAB-ber app provides a number of key facts about the order including the name of the merchant/business/airport/airline, the destination of the delivery and pay for the order.

As independent contractors, GRAB-bers have the right to decline any delivery opportunity offered to them; however, by accepting an order for delivery they are agreeing to complete that delivery. The Completion Rate is the percent of deliveries that a GRAB-ber completes of those that they accepted.  

How it affects you:

While by accepting an order for delivery you are agreeing to complete the delivery, we recognize that unforeseen circumstances may arise when you’re on a grab, so you have the right to occasionally not complete deliveries after you accept them, as long as you do so before you pick up the items to be delivered. To continue using the Grab My Bag platform, however, you must maintain a certain Completion Rate which can be found here. You are responsible for monitoring your Completion Rate. However, as a courtesy we may let you know if your Completion Rate starts falling near the threshold level. If your Completion Rate falls below the threshold, your account may be deactivated.


At Grab My Bag, the safety of GRAB-bers, merchants, businesses, airport/airlines, and consumers that use the Grab My Bag platform is paramount. We want to make sure you feel safe when performing deliveries, that merchants, businesses, and airports/airlines feel comfortable working with GRAB-bers, and that consumers never need to be concerned about opening their door to receive their order.

Creating an unsafe environment for anyone on the platform is grounds for immediate deactivation. These behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Violence or inappropriate behavior, including abusive language: Exhibiting objectively unsafe behavior, including physical or verbal assault of a consumer, merchant, business, airport/airline or any related representative or employee of such, or another GRAB-ber, or any other person.
  • Use of alcohol and drugs: Grabing while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Discrimination or harassment: Grab My Bag is committed to providing a platform free from discrimination and harassment and therefore prohibits discrimination and harassment by or directed at GRAB-bers, merchants, businesses, airports/airlines or any related representative or employee of such, customers or Grab My Bag employees because of race, color, sex, gender, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, age, profession or any basis protected by federal, state or local law. Grab My Bag’s Anti-Harassment Policy can be found here.
  • Unsafe driving, biking, or scooting: Exhibiting objectively unsafe conduct during transportation, including texting and driving, not pulling over before examining or accepting a delivery opportunity, and failing to be conscientious while using navigation apps. Grab My Bag evaluates GRAB-bers involved in accidents for potential deactivation, depending on all relevant facts and circumstances.
  • Failure to comply with the law or use of the platform for any criminal activity: Violating any local, state or federal law while using the Grab My Bag platform, including any applicable criminal or traffic laws. This includes but is not limited to theft of the goods meant to be delivered, damage to or theft of any third party property, failure to properly check customer ID for age-restricted orders, and use of the platform to engage in or assist with any potentially criminal activity, including but not limited to drugs or drug related activities, money laundering, etc.
  • Failure to pass a background check: Failing to meet Grab My Bag’s background check criteria is grounds for being denied access to the Grab My Bag platform or account deactivation if you have already accessed the platform.
  • Disclosing personal information without authorization: Our community values personal privacy. Personal information may be used only for purposes of completing a delivery and may not be posted online or otherwise shared with any third party, except as may be legally required.


Much of the Grab My Bag platform rests on minimum business standards of integrity, morality, and fair dealing. We trust GRAB-bers to use the app honestly and with integrity and a good moral compass. Accounts of GRAB-bers that abuse our services or engage in fraud, or accounts of GRAB-bers that cause others to do the same, will be deactivated. Examples of abuse and fraud include, but are not limited to:

  • Manipulating the referrals system or promotions: Gaming or manipulating the consumer referral program, the GRAB-ber referral program, GRAB-ber pay promotions or other similar types of programs.
  • Providing information that is fraudulent or inaccurate: Misrepresenting information during signup, giving false information to the support team during grabs, creating multiple accounts for the same individual, using the same phone number as an account already in use, or failing to accurately identify the mode of transportation being used to perform GRABS.
  • Tampering with deliveries of baggage, equipment, etc., or failing to maintain standards of safety: Opening, using, damaging, consuming, stealing, or tampering with a delivery or customer order in any manner.
  • Disrupting the Grab My Bag platform. Taking any action, either directly or indirectly, that is intended to or does damage, disable, interrupt, overburden, or impair the functionality of the Grab My Bag platform or the servers or networks connected to the Grab My Bag Platform;
  • Scraping. Using any robot, spider, web crawler, extraction software, automated process and/or device to scrape, copy, index, frame, monitor, conduct any systematic retrieval of data or other content from any portion of Grab My Bag platform or its content.  
  • Unauthorized Access. Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Grab My Bag platform and/or to any account, resource, computer system, and/or network connected to any Grab My Bag server. This includes any breach or circumvention of any security or authentication measures Grab My Bag may use to prevent or restrict access to the Grab My Bag platform.
  • Third party rights. Using Grab My Bag in any way that infringes third party rights, including copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, or other rights of any third party, including privacy or publicity rights. 


Violation of any of the terms of the Independent Contractor Agreement that you agreed to in order to create an account on the GRAB-ber platform will serve as a valid basis for deactivation from the platform. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Marking a delivery complete when you did not complete it: Completion of a delivery is made by providing the goods, personal property, equipment, etc., directly to the customer or their authorized representative as identified in their order. If the customer, or their authorized representative as stipulated itn their original order, is not available, you agree that the delivery will be considered complete only if you both (i) make reasonable efforts to contact the customer and wait a reasonable time for the customer to accept the delivery by following the “Can’t find the customer” flow in-app where available, and (ii) either leave the goods, personal property, equipment, etc., at the customer location or return the goods, personal property, equipment, etc. to the pickup location/airline, only after first contacting Grab My Bag directly for a potential solution to the delivery problem. If a return is required for a given delivery (required returns will/should have been made clear before acceptance of the delivery). Under no circumstances may GRAB-bers take the goods, personal property, equipment, etc., that they agreed to deliver. 
  • Failing to Make Timely or Safe Deliveries: You agree to retrieve the orders from airports/airlines or other businesses on time and safely, ensure the order was accurately filled and grouped, and complete delivery of the orders to consumers in a safe and timely fashion. Similarly, if you have also agreed to perform an additional Grab My Bag task in connection with an order, you agree to complete that additional task in the same safe, timely and professional manner. Failure to do so could result in deactivation of your account.


You will be provided instructions for how to appeal if your account is deactivated. This review process will apply to deactivations from the Grab My Bag platform that were based on violations of the Independent Contractor Agreement or Deactivation Policy, such as abuse, fraud, or violating the safety of the platform. This review process will not apply to deactivations that were based on objective metrics such as minimum Customer Rating or Completion Rate thresholds.